upcoming events:
Ladies' Bible Study
Join the ladies of the community for a good "heart to heart". An opportunity to learn from one another and to discover the power of Christ within you as you strive to be the woman that He has called you to be. Weekly video lessons and Bible study offer a greater insight into God's will for your life.
Ladies' Bible Study on ZOOM Fridays 10 am.
Email us below to join

For more information, click the following:
If you're looking for an affordable camp experience for your children, the Ontario Christian Assembly community camp located near Orangeville in Shelburne Ontario is the place to go. The camp provides an array of children’s and group camps throughout the summer, and site rentals to organizations looking to experience the beauty and peace that the area has to offer.
New Alpha Youth Series
February 6, 2025, 6:30 PM
Made for this generation, the new series creatively unpacks the real questions young people have. The series, consisting of 10 episodes, run over 8 weeks, introduces and explores the core ideas of the Christian faith, in a relevant and engaging way. COME AND SHARE YOUR THOUGHTS.
Meeting at the church

Join the group of men at Grand Valley Church of Christ to study God's Word and how to apply His TRUTH to our day-to-day lives.

ongoing events:
Men's Group meeting at church and on ZOOM Monday evenings 7:30 pm
(Breaking for the summer)
Bible Study
Mixed group meeting at church and on ZOOM Wednesday evenings 7:30 pm

Join us in person or
"Live" on Facebook every
Sunday 10 am

Heart to Heart
Ladies' Bible Study
Fridays 10:00 am